How to help
Bally Vaughan’s wild life family of animals and birds are reliant on donations and the generosity of the community, visitors and kindness of supporters. Not only do we need to feed our animals a good diet, they also need regular veterinary checkups and treatment for pre-existing conditions as well as decent shelters and living quarters. All of this is very costly and although we manage and do what we can with what we have the Sanctuary would benefit hugely by any donation know matter how small you may think it might be.
If you are moved to help us in ANY way financially or through the donation of materials such as cement, fencing, gum poles, food, fuel or even sponsoring one of our animals you can be assured that your help will go a very long way towards helping us make their world a better place.
All you need to do is click on the DONATE button, follow the easy instructions and your payment can be made instantly and directly online. Just one click is all it takes to help.
If you would like to donate something in kind, please contact us by email on:
Let’s make a difference together.